Harnessing Hugging Face Transformers: Challenges and Solutions

Embedded Nature
4 min readMay 1, 2024


All over the internet, you may find people creating personal chatbots, it has become increasingly accessible thanks to powerful tools like Hugging Face Transformers. This article delves into my journey of developing the chatbot portion of our community driven financial app. Learn about my roadblocks, and the potential solutions to overcome them.

🛠️ Tools

  • Hugging Face Transformers: A state-of-the-art library providing pre-trained models to perform tasks on texts such as classification, information extraction, question answering, summarization, translation, and text generation in a wide variety of languages.
  • Pipelines: A high-level abstraction provided by Hugging Face to apply transformers for inference more easily.
  • Local Machine Environment: Initially, I attempted to run the large language model (LLM) directly on my Macbook Pro.
  • Inference Endpoints and runpod.io: Explored as alternative hosting solutions to manage resource-intensive models.

🤖 Developing the Chatbot

The journey began with the Hugging Face Transformers library, which boasts a comprehensive, easy-to-integrate toolset for deploying NLP models. By leveraging the pipeline feature, I was able to quickly instantiate a conversational model to facilitate my chatbot's core functionality.

The implementation process was straightforward:

1. Model Selection: I chose a pre-trained model from Hugging Face’s model hub that best aligns with our desired conversational capabilities. In our case, it is a specific model for finance.

2. Integration: I used the conversational pipeline to integrate the model into the application, allowing it to understand and generate human-like responses.

3. Testing and Iteration: Next we need to conduct multiple rounds of testing to fine-tune responses and ensure the chatbot behaves as expected in various conversational scenarios. The LLM has a system prompt that we can customize.

🚧 Roadblocks

Running the LLM Locally created a problem. Despite the initial smooth setup, challenges emerged when attempting to run the model directly on my local machine. The primary issue was the sheer size of the large language model, which demanded extensive computational resources that exceeded my Macbook Pro specs.

My 2020 Macbook Pro Spec
CPU: 2.4 Ghz Intel i9
GPU: AMD Radeon Pro 5600M 8GB
RAM: 16GB 2667 Mhz

Key Issue

Processing Power: The CPU/GPU processing power was insufficient to handle the model’s complexity. It took 2 hours to load the model on my local machine and after sending a question, the response took awhile before crashing.

Exploring Alternative Hosting Solutions: Inference Endpoints and Runpod.io

Hugging Face Inference Endpoints: These endpoints provide a managed service that allows developers to deploy pre-trained models without the overhead of managing infrastructure. This solution allows for:

  • Scalability to handle varying loads.
  • Optimized infrastructure for low-latency responses.
  • It should be easy to integrate with existing applications.

Runpod.io: An alternative that provides virtual machines specifically designed to handle GPU-intensive applications like training and deploying AI models. Benefits include:

  • Access to high-end GPUs, ensuring faster processing times.
  • Flexible pricing models based on usage.
  • Ability to scale resources as needed.

🚶‍➡️Next Steps

To ensure the chatbot can operate efficiently and manage multiple user interactions simultaneously, the next step involves migrating the application to one of the cloud solutions discussed. Alternatively, with the release of LLama3, I can leverage an existing pre-trained model to keep the project going. When evaluating the costs and benefits the performance of the LLM is important but I want to keep the cost down so switching to a pre-trained model makes the most sense.

🎉 Wrapping Up

Due to hardware limitations, creating a personal chatbot using Hugging Face Transformers might have seemed daunting. However, we have alternative options such as Inference Endpoints, Runpod.io, and selecting an LLM that is easier to work with. These alternatives provide us with multiple paths to move forward with our project. I’m confident that our chatbot will be a success.

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Embedded Nature

Through the web 🌍 I strives to positively influence 🔋 and empower lifestyles 🦾 via emerging technologies.